Progress… Week 1

It’s Thursday, Day 4 of the 28 Day Jumpstart… so how are things going?

Well… Day 1 and 2 exercises weren’t too bad, but Day 3 was murder! Today is cardio day… also Thursday 5K – not sure if I’ll accomplish that, but hey, worth a shot.

Food has been easier than expected. I don’t care for the Fit Girls routine of having the same two dinners for an entire week (my family would rebel at the thought!), so I’ve gotten creative. I use their recipes, and ones I find on Relay Foods, or Cooking Light, and a few of my own creations as well.

The trick has been finding where the balance and portion sizes need to be. Following the Fit Girls formula, I use MyFitnessPal to calculate calories so we’re within the target range for calorie and nutritional content.

The end result has been meals that are surprisingly filling, and really good!

Best of all, this feels doable! It doesn’t feel like a diet, or some crazy thing that eliminates all the foods you like.

Changes in diet…

While we haven’t started the official FitGirls food plan yet, we have started following their basic formula. I broke down the meals into calorie count, carb-protein balance, portion sizes, etc – that way I can easily tweak the recipes that don’t suit our family, and I can expand the provided recipes.

All of these meals are healthy, balanced, and reasonably low calorie. The one at the top-left is even vegan. So far, it’s been surprising how easy it is to create tasty meals that are so healthy. And nope, I haven’t been feeling hungry, either.

Why wait?

So the big question I’ve been asked is “why wait until March 14 to start?”

Well… technically I’m not waiting… I’ve been doing daily exercise, and slowly tweaking our diet to smaller portions and healthier choices for some time now. But…

Fit_Girls_Guide_March_14th See that on the right? That’s the reason.

The next Fit Girls challenge starts on March 14 – and I figured I might as well hold off until then to get the most bang for my buck so to speak. The support network is awesome! Check it out.




Meal planning…

One thing about the Fit Girls Guide that just didn’t resonate with me was the meal plan. The idea of basically eating the same two meals for dinners for an entire week just sat… well… wrong with my little foodie self. Plus I can’t imagine my family putting up with that.

Fortunately, one of the key points of the program is finding ways to make it work for you. And since I ponied up and got all the books, I have a wide range of Fit Girl recipes to choose from. And they’ve got a pretty easy formula to follow.

So… with that in mind… I read through the books and sketched out a first week meal plan that uses strictly Fit Girl recipes (figured I’d start there ’till I get a handle on the portions and patterns). And I gotta say… it’s a pretty good looking meal plan! Bonus: I’ll still be able to do all my shopping at Relay! Yay!

As for those who need more calories than the basic Fit Girl plan – I can easily double up the portions of proteins and veg, and bump up the carbs a bit as well. There’s enough variety that we can have guests over without going off plan (change ups for dietary restrictions will be easy!) and all in all, it doesn’t look that different from how we’ve already been eating.

Best part? It’s all regular food. No weird prepared stuff. No specialty foods. Just nice lean proteins, lots of fresh veggies, and some whole-grain carbs. Can’t complain about that!

I’m excited!

On triggers and terminology…

I had an interesting conversation today regarding this blog, and the posts I make on “fat 2 fab”. A dear friend commented that the name of the site alone triggered her body issues. I understood the risk when I chose the name – but before you start thinking me an insensitive ass, understand, I chose a name that resonated for me, that meant something to me and my journey. When I started sharing the process, I knew there would be those who had issues with using the word “fat”.

That wasn’t her issue. Hers was something different… I’ve actually asked her to write a post on the subject because I understood where she was coming from, and I wanted to share the dialog we had about the name. I hope she does write that post!

You see, for me, “fat 2 fab” does not mean that fat isn’t fabulous. Or that you have to be thin to be fab. To me, “fat 2 fab” is a personal observation and state of mind. From feeling fat, to feeling fabulous… and here’s the important part, regardless of what that means to you.

For me, that means accepting where I am at, embracing my flaws, and creating goals to a healthier, and yes, smaller body.

To another friend, it means gaining flexibility and focusing on healthier diet choices, and ceasing to see herself as “fat”.

To still another, it means gaining muscle and strength, regardless of what the scale, or the tape measure says.

But I respect the fact that for many, and for women in particular, the implication is there… “fat” is bad, and “fab” means thin.

I don’t expect this blog to be for everyone. I apologized for triggering her, and warned her that I’m getting back on the posting wagon. She’s quite comfortable blocking these posts, and that doesn’t offend me.

I started this blog/journal/whatever, in part because I wasn’t finding anything out there that spoke to me. Everything I found either didn’t resonate, felt alien, or… well… I would say “made me angry” or “upset me”. Others would use the “trigger” word.

I do not have an eating disorder. Though I’ve watched friends go through it, and I was certainly borderline at various points in my life, I have little understanding of the needs, thought processes, or mind set that surrounds eating disorders. When visiting sites and blogs targeted to that audience, I found myself battling feelings of helplessness, frustration, and even anger. Why? Frankly, the very things that are helpful to some were calling up memories of dealing with a close friend whose recurrent problems landed her in the hospital several times. Yeah. Not a healthy place for me to be.

I did not grow up struggling with my weight, or with food, or with my size – either too thin, or too big. So things aimed at those who did not only do not speak to me, they frustrate the hell out of me, because instead of making me feel stronger, and better about myself, they make me wonder why I don’t feel even more inadequate than I do, or even less secure, or… Yeah. Also not a healthy place for me to be.

I give total points to my friend. She told me the name triggered her, that she did not look at the posts for that reason, and would continue to avoid looking at them. She also accepted my explanation of the name, my own views, and did not blame me, or expect me to alter things to suit her triggers. These things weren’t created for her. I always appreciate opportunities to expand my own thinking, and to embrace the voices and needs of others, without silencing or sacrificing my own.

For me, the concept “fat 2 fab” is a celebration, an affirmation, and an encouragement. For her, it’s exactly the opposite. One is not less valid than the other. Both are completely acceptable, valid, and equally important viewpoints.

My point here is simple… one person’s safety net is another person’s trigger, and vice versa.

Are you a gym jerk?

Many of us non-gym rats hate going to the gym not because we don’t look forward to the workout. Not because we’re lazy. And not for a lot of the usually expected reasons.

Wanna know the number one reason many of us hate going to the gym?

Judgmental gym rats.

And before you say “people at the gym don’t judge, they’re just happy you’re there!” or “they’re too busy doing their own thing to be looking at you”, let me give you a real-world example.

This morning, a well-known pinup model with nearly 21,000 followers tweeted about seeing a “chick in not so good shape” lifting while wearing flip flops. She followed up by saying “nothing says I’m doing this just to say I was here quite like that”.

Now, it’s easy to say it was all about the footwear. Sure. It could be. Then why did she need to comment on the woman’s physical shape? Couldn’t that comment have been made without the body shaming?

Let’s try it: “Seen at the gym: chick lifting in flip flops. Nothing says I’m just doing this to say I was here quite like that.”

Huh. That works. And no comment about the woman’s size. That little fact is not necessary to make a point if it’s about footwear choices.

I’ll completely skip the flip flop argument here. It’s irrelevant to my point.

What is relevant is the simple fact that no one called her on this stuff.

What is relevant is that she’s not the only one. It’s not too hard to find other examples of confirmed gym rats making fun of the less-than-fit folks coming into the gym.

So tell me… is the gym supposed to be only for those who are already fit? Where, pray tell, are folks supposed to get fit in the first place? Are we supposed to go to a different gym, one catering to people in “not so good shape” until we meet your arbitrary criteria for what is acceptable?

A little word of advice… if you’re going to judge those who are “in not so good shape” for not liking the gym, or not going for the “right” reasons, or whatever… maybe you should consider that you might be one of the reasons they’re not there. If you’re creating a hostile, judgmental environment, we’re going to avoid the place like the plague. Don’t be a gym jerk.

And to those of us worrying about judgmental gym jerks? Screw them! Go work out anyway. Don’t let their attitudes spoil your fitness goals.

In fact, put on your loudest gym wear. Wear the skin-tight workout pants. Quit trying to hide your “not so good shape” in baggy gym clothes and celebrate the fact that you are working out!

Either the gym jerks will be forced to shut up just from the sheer presence of the less than fit, or they’ll feel uncomfortable about the new scenery in the gym and take their judgmental attitudes someplace else.

Motivation madness…

“You’re not going to get the butt you want by sitting on the couch.”

“You may be going slow, but you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.”

“Sweat is fat crying.”

These are quotes found when looking for fitness inspiration. I’m sorry, but these things do not motivate me. In fact, they make me want to punch someone.


When I’m feeling the sore abs from a good workout, I don’t want to hear “You can be sore today, or sorry tomorrow” or “I really regret that workout – said no one ever”.

I understand motivation. I understand mantras. I understand the power of positive thinking. And maybe these things work for some people, and if they work for you, great. But y’know what? For me? Yuck.

I’m not super competitive, so I don’t really care who’s lapping whom.

I do not want to associate fitness and healthy choices with guilt, even if it’s of a positive variety.

And I do not respond well to drill sergeants barking orders, or telling me that sweat is just fat crying.

Ew. That makes me not want to sweat. Ever. Because the idea of fatty tears all over my body is just gross.

So what does motivate me? What makes me want to stay on track and get off my butt and start working on my butt?

Positive reinforcement.

Seeing my steps go up on my Fitbit. Hearing my husband tell me he’s proud of me for putting the work and time in. Feeling good after not overeating on a meal I really love.

Those are all good things.

So too are the voics from friends far and wide, some who are taking a similar journey. Shared words of encouragement. Expressing a goal to someone you know will hold you to it. That’s not guilt, that’s accountability. There’s a difference.

Tomorrow, I’m pulling out some old pictures. I’ll be posting one on the ‘fridge, and another on the treadmill. Why? Because for me, the visual reminder that I can do this, that my body has been there before, is a huge motivator.

What motivates you?

Shrimp and pasta done light(er)


Shrimp has been both the darling and the devil of healthy eating. Since current thinking is that it’s OK, and our entire goal is healthier choices that don’t exclude foods, but rather limit the less heathy options, we’re still eating shrimp. Besides, they’re delicious.

This was a small serving of plain pasta with basil and spinach, topped with shrimp cooked with capers, garlic, and lemon juice. There was a tiny bit of olive oil and butter in the shrimp pan. All of that went over the pasta, then a sprinkle of parmesan cheese on top. Served with a hearts of romaine salad.

Total calorie count for this meal? About 300 calories per serving.

Yep. Insanely low. But 24.5 grams of protein. And yes, a little high on the carbs. Not terrible on fat, surprisingly. The downfall? Sodium. If you’re watching your salt intake, this is not the greatest meal on earth.

The saving graces of this meal are the relatively low cal shrimp, and the large amounts of green stuff (that you mostly can’t see in this pic).


Snowy day healthy breakfast

Old fashioned oatmeal dressed up with apples, cinnamon, a few walnuts, and just a hint of brown sugar. Yum!



April 2024